The recipe for perfect rear blended UltraWideScreen
QED has simplified and refined the art of blended rear projection utilising the latest high brightness high definition projectors from Christie and specialist projection material from Harkness Hall - from all viewing angles there are no visible blends.QED set out to deliver the perfect rear projected UltraWideScreen system for last month's road-show for Wates Construction: A portable UltraWidescreen format was chosen in order to achieve the biggest visible screen possible in each of the different venues, with low ceiling height being the only feature common to them all. With four shows to do in five days it was imperative that the set-up was quick and easy and that the amount of equipment used was kept to a minimum - but most importantly the blends just had to be invisible from all viewing angles.
Two multi-head Macbook Pros, one Spyder 344 processor and two HD12Ks provided the basic ingredients for the successful recipe. However the main ingredient was the screen material - Harkness Hall Translite Blue. This projection material has the widest viewing angle of any specialist rear projection surface and this makes it the perfect choice for blending: The material is incredibly thick and so every lumen of the two blended 12,000 ANSI lumen Christie HD12K projectors was used to blast through the dense screen material.
The 0.67:1 lenses enabled the 27.5ft wide image to be achieved with only 14ft of total rear projection distance and with only two projectors to blend the rig could not have been simpler. The combination of the two native 1920 x 1080 HD panels delivered stunning on-screen resolution and the substantial lens shift and geometric correction within the projectors enabled them to be aligned to perfection.
Being able to deliver such astonishing blended results allows presentations to be created free of artistic restriction and for events to be planned knowing that the desired end quality will be achieved.