New Year, New Unit for QED

The move from New Barnet to Potters Bar has been on the cards for a while and having spent the past year refurbishing the new building QED finally moved in on the 10th January 2011.

The new building comprises both offices and warehousing, providing space to accommodate QED's extensive equipment inventory as well as increased workspace for QED's fourteen full-time staff members. Split over two levels with a mezzanine above the warehouse floor, the new premises contains dedicated projector testing bays and a separate ESD protected clean room for our in-house service department to work on DLP and LCD light engines. All QED projectors are fully tested and cleaned before every hire to ensure that QED is able to provide the very best maintained equipment in the industry.

Not content with filling the warehouse with the industry's highest quality professional projection and specialist AV equipment we have also recently increased our stock of custom-built touring racks. Recent additions include the latest 12-core Catalyst systems and Ethersound digital multi-cores, all shock-mounted with in-built UPS and digital distribution. In addition to the usual office facilities we have dedicated an entire area of the building to demonstrate large scale active 3D projection – the only demonstration facility of its kind in Europe.

Our new contact details are: 

QED Productions Ltd.
Unit 11, Summit Road
Cranborne Industrial Estate
Potters Bar
EN6 3QW 

Tel: +44 (0)1707 648800
Fax: +44 (0)1707 648801
Registered in England: 1983765 | VAT Registration: GB 421 628 766
Copyright © QED Productions 2025